Player Movement
The player movement is based on the camera forward vector. I made this decision because the character model should always look towards the aim location. In this setup, the character uses an 8D locomotion set which enables the character model to strafe. Since the character should always face the aim location I also implemented an Aim Offset which rotates the character's upper body towards the aim location.
Enemies spawn in waves and attack the player's outpost. The player needs to defeat all the enemies to proceed to the next wave. Every wave more and more enemies are spawning at random locations on the map. The main goal of the enemy AI is to destroy the outpost. However, if the player comes too close they will also attack him.
Player Shop
In between enemy waves, the player is able to buy different items. Those items can help the player to defend his main house. The player can choose between two items: a cannon, and an explosive barrel. The cannon is an AI-controlled tower that frequently attacks nearby targets. Another item that the player can buy is the explosive barrel. Once placed the player can shoot it in order to destroy the barrel and to trigger a big explosion that kills all enemies in range.
The game can be played on Mouse and Keyboard but it also includes full Gamepad support. To make the game playable on a variety of machines the player can adjust the graphics quality in the settings. 
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